SENER Foundation
The SENER Foundation promotes initiatives and activities to serve the community through the training and education of engineers, while also aiming to develop social responsibility in business activities in the fields of engineering and technology.
True to its entrepreneurial character and aspiring to contribute towards fairer social development, the SENER engineering and technology group and the Sendagorta family established the SENER Foundation in 2002, the objective being:
- To spread the spirit of SENER’s founders, the brothers Enrique and José Manuel de Sendagorta, a spirit characterized by the search for scientific and technological knowledge.
- To promote the use of cutting-edge engineering knowledge in projects that best respond to the needs of societies in which access to new technology is restricted by deficient economic development.
- To support the work and/or the training of people or groups that demonstrate outstanding capabilities and initiative, scientific or technological competence, and ethical responsibility.
- To encourage the moral and material progress of society through programs and projects with scientific and technological content.